17 december 2021 20:10

Strong Nation instructor training 19-12-2021

HELLO future Strong Nation instructors!

Congratulations on your decision to become a Strong NATION™ Instructor! 🙂


By now, you should have all received some info directly from ZUMBA Home Office with your e-Manual, as well as the e-Learning portion of this training.
We strongly suggest you complete the e-learning PRIOR to attending the Instructor training, so that you already have the book learning part down.

I will be spending a LARGE amount of time working hands on with you in this training. So, understanding the basics of this program through the e-learning will help you a GREAT deal! 

Also, please note that you do not receive FULL certificate of completion of this License until you have completed BOTH the e-learning as well as the 8 hour ITC(instructor training course)

There are a FEW things YOU will need to BRING WITH YOU to your StrongNation™ Instructor Training:

– a yoga mat or towel 

– cross-training type shoes (regular dance sneakers are NOT ideal or comfortable for this format)
You need shoes that are very supportive and help you to move easily, absorb shock, and allow for a long day of training.

– YOUR TOOL KIT!! This is SUPER IMPORTANT!! You will be working with your tool kit, located in the BACK of your manual for a LARGE majority of the day. 

PLEASE DOWNLOAD or print it out and bring it with you. Pages 65-105

– We SUGGEST you NOT wear long, baggy pants.
Being that we incorporate floorwork, and are moving from standing- to- floor patterns, baggy pant-legs can get in the way and cause safety issues. 

Facility Location: 

Your own living room.

Or go to www.zoom.us, click join meeting and and use the following details to enter the Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 552 877 4234 
Passcode: NLGF2021
Date: Sunday 19th of December
Registration: 08:30AM- 09:00AM 
Training: 09:00AM-06:00PM

Other important things you should know about the training:

-PLEASE be sure to bring any snacks or drinks you will need. We will be moving A LOT! Be sure to bring alternate outfits if you sweat often, as well.

-Make sure you will have a steady internet connection. If you can connect your device with a direct w-lan cable the internet connection will have the best quality. Otherwise make sure you’re close by the router and shut down other devices using internet at the same internet connection.

-You can only join the meeting with one device.

-The bigger the screen, the better. Try to connect your device with your tv for example.

-It’s forbidden to make any records or pictures during the training.

-Make sure your first and last name is visable. You can change if needed at the 3 dots -> Rename.

-During the training you have to leave the camera open/activated, as well as the microphone. 

The Master trainer will ask you to unmute if needed, so please mute yourself during the presentation.

-You can ask any questions you like during the training in the chat.

-Please be on time! 08:30 AM CET time!
If the training gets started at 09:00 AM CET there will be no longer time to go through technical questions. 

This training WILL run the ENTIRE 8 hours! Plan to be there the entire day, without interruptions. 

Be certain that people who maybe live together with you have alternate plans while you train and need to be present the entire 8 hours.

It will be a LONG day, but a REWARDING day! Be sure you rest up, get to bed EARLY, and eat a healthy balanced meal prior to starting the training.



Johanna Gaasbeek 

Please note: If you do not inform me directly of any emergency or unforeseen situation that will affect your attending the training 24 hours prior to the training start time, you may be charged a $30.00 USD “No Show Fee” in addition to the cost of your training.

Thank you! 

Group Fitness Studio No Limit > Nieuws > Strong Nation instructor training 19-12-2021